From Sea to Shining Sea

Nella Sua Voluntade é Nostra Pace
-C.S. Lewis

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Losing Paradise

As I stare out the window, amazement sweeps over me.  Such a small room, and yet such a large place.  People march around like little ants; busy bodies, always moving, leading a life of their own. 

Confined behind these walls, I search, seeking for understanding, clarification.  What do they think?  What are their passions and ambitions?  How can they not understand the sense of more? 

The streaks of finger paint across the sky.  Such beauty, such glory, such honor. 

How can we remain so lost, when we are in the palm of His hand?

The smears on the window pane represent the smears on society's ideals.  Such dirt, such muck. 

"While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman and they will not escape." -1 Thessalonians 5:3

War, hatred, disgust, racism.  The fight continues.

Where is the peace?

The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

We strive for perfection in this place, even though we see it everyday.  Look out your window.  Yellows, reds, oranges.  The masterpiece of the Great Master. 

So much knowledge in this land.  So much opportunity.  And yet we search. 

We want more.  And yet the picture outside my window is complete perfection. 



  1. The image included in this blog is fitting. I definitely see God's finger painting in the sky. Also, I can't quite make out the objects at the bottom of the image, which leaves me searching for an answer, as the text reads. The image I think suits the text well enough, though the placement of each is at odds with the other. Since the image is centered, I would have also centered the text, or since the text is to the left, as should the image be. The vocabulary selection remains consistent throughout the passage which helps the flow of ideas. The last few words of the passage, the repetition of the word searching, of course leaves me wanting more, which is a good lead up to a second post. The author changed from amazement and wonder to disgust pretty quickly, and I would have a preferred a more lengthy turn around because it took me a second to realize that the mood was suddenly different. I enjoyed the black, white and grey throughout the blog, and the burst of color from the image could work to either emphasize that amazement or to counteract the theme of the blog. At first glance, it had the former affect on me, thought the more I went back to the blog, the more it seemed to stand out, though it was in neither a positive or negative way. Perhaps once more images are added through other blog posts, it will seem to fit better. The font worked well with the amazement section of the text, though once the tone changed to that of disgust, the font seemed at odds with the tone. Overall, it was well done, simply lacking a detailed revision.

  2. The first thing that caught my eye was the contrast between the background, type, and layout of the blog in black and white in comparison to the first picture. It really led my eyes to the picture that was posted since it was more colorful. All of the black and white gives the blog a somewhat somber tone, but the first picture seems to give hope and enlightenment to the blog. The writing in the first post also matches the first photo very well. It makes the reader wonder and long for a happy ending- as does the picture with its sky line and peaceful ambiance. The words used in the post give the same direction, such as “life”, “passion”, “understanding”, “free”, “brave”, “perfection”. But, then there are also parts that bring the reader back to the black and white era of the blog with words such as, “confined”, “lost”, “dirt”, “muck”, and “hatred, disgust, racism”. I don’t think that this contrast is a bad thing, in fact I think that its suits the personality of the blog and leaves the reader interested in what’s to come next.

    The writing format of the blog post was also very interesting with the incorporation of the quotes from the Bible and words that our country was founded on. It wasn’t just a story or an opinion, but I truly enjoyed how the author was able to include other concepts and imagery to the writing. I’m not sure if there is much I would change about this blog. It was a little difficult to discover what the exact topic was because of all of the different types of imagery within the writing, but I enjoyed the mysterious and questionable aspect about it. The font and structure goes along well with the black and white and the tone of the post. The emptiness of the tree along with the black and white is an image that sets a very dramatic tone, yet is balanced with the easiness and flow of the writing.
