From Sea to Shining Sea

Nella Sua Voluntade é Nostra Pace
-C.S. Lewis

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Steps of the Past, Present, Future

With the sun seeping through the window, I glance outside to take in the beauty of St. Augustine.  Another beautiful place in this beautiful country of ours.

I think back to when it wasn't free.  To the bloodshed, tears, battles, and fear.  Not knowing what direction to take.

This is the past, present, and future.  

As I picture the past, I hear the cries of battle. Like the swatting of a fly, the Spanish and the Natives were destroyed for this land.

"And then... SMASH! "It's guts now replaced what was the fly on the wall."

Our history.

So much death and destruction.  Guns, anger, fire, disease.

But the hope to come is worth it.

The clouds drift by on the horizon, promising the coming of the Lord.  They remind me of heaven.

The blue blanket that falls across this land hides the sorrow and terror of the past.

The future brings hope.  Hope brings me joy. Comfort. Peace. 

In history, our angels have always been there. They have provided us with hope.  The hope of the future.  The hope of freedom.

As I climb these steps, I don't loose hope.

These steps represent the journey of our land of the free. Always moving up.  What happens when we reach the top?  Do we have to go back down?


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Open Road

"The sun peered over the live oaks and pines as we drove down the winding country road..."

Glancing out the windows, I look into the green that flies by.  It encircles me.  Wraps me in its old, creaking arms.  I allow my mind to go; to wander.  

I reflect on the setting of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.  Comfort washes over me.  This land. Freedom of man.

Home of the free and land of the brave.

Like the footsteps that grace the beach, the open road offers a sense of wonder and wander.  These roads offer so many possibilities.  Some may lead to death, destruction, helplessness.  But, I am overcome with confidence, knowing that my road is protected.

God's angels live around the world.  They serve for our freedom.  

My road leads from beaches, to the open road.  Flying past trees and mountains.  Unlike Heart of Darkness, I know these are friendly forests.  My angels keep them that way.

The Few. The Proud.

I am thankful for these blessings, but as I wiz past cars, are they?  Do they not realize the great blessings?  The freedom they have been given?  The beauty of this country?   

"God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas."  And God saw that it was good." -Genesis 1:10

The beauty of God rises in front of me.  Covered in green Q-tips, the powerful essence demonstrates God's power.  Yet, I fear they do not know. 

They continue....
